
Showing posts from June, 2020

MLB Finally Reaches An Agreement, But Players Make A Firm Stance

     The MLB and MLPA have been in discussions for the past month about starting a season without fans due to COVID-19 and they have had a ton of trouble coming to an agreement until about two days ago when they reached a 60 game agreement to play this July. The issue has been related to owners and to the pay the players would receive in these agreements as they would obviously have to take a pay cut. But everyone has had their opinion including tons of players on how the owners and the league has treated their product. Star players such as Bryce Harper, Christian Yelich, Andrew McCutchen, etc have been vocal on social media via twitter about the disagreements with the MLB and how the players are not being treated or compensated respectfully. This is a form of freedom of speech and freedom of assembly, with the players coming together with the MLBPA and saying that they will not play without a respectful compensation this is showing the league that they do not just own their own power.

Blog 5: Antiwar Websites

     The reason I believe it is so hard to find websites that are antiwar and have such a big voice about it is that we have the military to protect and to serve us. Ever since the beginning of America's military we have had to go to war to protect our land and protect the people in it, so it has been normalized and is known that it can happen and sometimes it isn't our fault. A lot of countries have threatened us and have told us they would kill our people and hurt our land and we can't just let that happen. So it would be out of context for mainstream media to have a voice like this because that is what America was built on, and to us who believe sometimes we have to go to war it would just make us as citizens go "what?". Without war and without needing protection we would have no use for the US Military which would kill our economy and kill jobs, but also can kill our country as a whole. So for mainstream news media to put down the military and war would kill t

Black Lives Matter Protests Blog 2

As you all know with the killing of George Floyd there has been an outbreak of protests in all states. It's a great thing to see in the United States when we all come together to make a change for the better and let our voices be heard, especially great for the black community that deserves to finally be heard. But of course, there are people who are taking advantage of these voices and using it to their own advantage. As you have probably seen in the news, there have been peaceful protests but there has also been riots and looting of business's which have caused some local small businesses to completely shut down. In the U.S. Constitution, there are six freedoms and two of them are the freedom of assembly, and freedom to petition. Riots and Looting do not fall under these categories, it is completely illegal to do so. You are more than welcome as an American to get a group of as many people as you want and protest and let your voices be heard peacefully in any way shape or for

The U.S. Supreme Court Blog 3

     The Supreme Court is the highest judicial body in the United States still today. Nine judges are on the U.S. Supreme Court and they serve for a lifetime which means they are a judge for the Supreme Court until they officially retire. If a judge does retire, there is a process to elect a new official. First, they will get a nomination from the President Of The United States, then the United States Senate makes a final vote by getting a majority vote. If that person is declined, the President must bring up another nomination to the Senate. The U.S. Supreme Court was not always held to such a high pedal stool, people used to be against the idea when the government moved to Washington, DC in 1801. It took some time and proof that this court will work for the people to give the court respect, which then gave them a branch of government. But, one of the issues of why the supreme court wasn't seen as such great high power was because they ruled that African Americans were never going

Will NFL Players Take A Knee Like They Did In 2016 Following Colin Kaepernick's Original Stance?

     With all that is going on in the United States right now, including the coronavirus there is also a problem with racism. Shocker, right? Racism has been going on for what seems like forever, and it is disgusting and completely outrageous we still have to deal with this today.  I am a sports communication major, and you even see it in sports with fans and even media sometimes making a racial comment and sometimes it gets thrown under the rug. In the NFL, in 2016 Colin Kaepernick who spent six seasons with the San Francisco 49ers took a knee during the National Anthem which caused outbreak in not only the United States, but the world. People thought it was him disrespecting the military or the flag, but he kept saying over and over it wasn't about that, it was about police brutality. Over time you saw more and more people arguing over if it was the right thing to do, yes people argued if it was okay to peacefully protest, why? The First Amendment tells us that we have the right


     My name is Matthew King, I am from the Eastern Shore of Maryland. My major is Sports Broadcasting & Media, my minor is Sports management. My focus on my studies is to learn about more of the ins and outs of the sports broadcasting and media world, and making myself well-rounded to help out any news outlets or sports teams in whatever they need. After HPU I hope to become a social media advisor or a broadcaster for a professional sports team or a big news media outlet at some point, I know that will take some time to get there though. My biggest accomplishment since being at HPU is probably graduating a semester early this fall, but also getting a Baltimore Ravens training camp internship, hopefully that can still happen if it doesn't get pushed back into the school year. I am a die-hard Ravens fan, have been since I was five years old, probably something unusual is my room is like a 14 year old's when you walk in you see jerseys hanging of Ed Reed, Ray Lewis, etc while