Black Lives Matter Protests Blog 2

As you all know with the killing of George Floyd there has been an outbreak of protests in all states. It's a great thing to see in the United States when we all come together to make a change for the better and let our voices be heard, especially great for the black community that deserves to finally be heard. But of course, there are people who are taking advantage of these voices and using it to their own advantage. As you have probably seen in the news, there have been peaceful protests but there has also been riots and looting of business's which have caused some local small businesses to completely shut down. In the U.S. Constitution, there are six freedoms and two of them are the freedom of assembly, and freedom to petition. Riots and Looting do not fall under these categories, it is completely illegal to do so. You are more than welcome as an American to get a group of as many people as you want and protest and let your voices be heard peacefully in any way shape or form that you would like. You can also start petitions to send into the government or into businesses to create change and let them know it is not only you that would like change but it is a majority.  With the riots and looting it just seems that people are taking advantage of themselves by getting a new pair of sneakers or a flat-screen television, just because you are protesting it does not give you the right to go against the law. Riots and looters have burnt down their towns, businesses, and property, this totally goes against what the founding fathers wanted. The peaceful protests have been wonderful and have made a difference, Minneanapolis has voted unanimously to disband its police department and will create its own way of public safety. This is why freedom of speech is so important, as in other countries it is nearly impossible to do this, but in America, we must use our rights to our advantage to stand up for what we believe in and cause change.


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