From Twttr To Twitter

 In 2006 Jack Dorsey, and Noah Glass founded Twttr. 

Yes, you saw that correctly for people who didn't use Twitter until 2009 or after.

Twitter was first named Twttr because in that time a lot of social media sites that took off used an abbreviation such as Flickr, Tumblr, and Scribd.
Twttr was created to send messages of only 140 characters or less to their followers as a post that was called a tweet, kind of like facebook but in a shortened way. 

In 2009 everything changed, Twttr changed its name to what it is now Twitter, they added hashtags which took off into the social media world so people could click on it and see the trends going on in the world.

 They also created retweeting, so any post could be shared on another account so it was another way for trends to start getting shared to the world. In 2010 Twitter had its biggest update to the interface that is not only smoother, but more like-able to look at for their audience to scroll through their timelines.

 In 2012 Twitter created a way where you could watch video links without having to click on the link, with peoples attention spans becoming so short twitter catered to that by making almost anything you can do within the app without having to leave the interface. This created the way to Vine. 

Yes, Twitter created Vine as well. 

Which was took off in 2013, and paved a way for videos on social media and how we see them today, even though Vine was shut down because of the amount of money it was making it still was one of the biggest app's on the market it just wasn't making enough advertisement money because of the way people were using it for comedy rather than information. 

Twitter also created GIF's! 

Yes, the funny animations that are used to comment on social media platforms, or even through text messages now to make the conversation more interesting was created by Twitter in 2014. 

How about streaming live videos of yourself to create content for your following? Twitter has that too, they acquired Periscope in 2015 so people could do live videos of their-self or whatever they wanted to give more entertainment. 

Also Twitter created poll questions in 2015 so you could see an audiences opinion on different topics across the world. Then in 2017 Twitter went from its original 140 characters or less in a tweet to 280 characters. 

Im grateful for that because I can now post longer tweets about football, or how much the Ravens frustrate me every single year. 

Twitter now ranks fourteenth in the world for most used social media apps in 2020 according to but at one point for a long time it was number one when Vine became released because people from the Twitter world would click on links that were Vine and go back and fourth. 

Twitter has not only created a platform for people to speak their minds, chat with friends, or to meet new people, they also do it in 280 characters or less which gets right to the point. 

You also can't edit a tweet, so whatever you post if you have a character or statistical problem in the tweet you better delete it and try again! So make sure your tweets are to the point, and written the way you want them!

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