Value Of Technology In Free Expression

Technology has given us the freedom to express our opinions like never before. You now have social media, which has taken over free expression.

 Before, not a lot of people could get out their opinions to the world unless they were famous, or had some kind of platform whether it be the press or conferences.

 But not with technology you can give your opinion to everyone to see in the world. It also can help spread it, when people see something they agree with all they have to do is share or "retweet" the post and more and more people can see it.

 Also, if you were to give your opinion somewhere with video, you can post those on social media and gives your opinion with expression so you can see how they really feel.

 This helps strengthen the Freedom of Expression because now you can have your voice heard like never before and you can hear other peoples opinions too right from your home.

 You can also see other peoples opinions on situations and see the other side of things instead of only being taught one thing from your close ones and now you have different opinions that you can use to help see the other side. 

The down part of this is you can get criticized for it, or people are not understanding what you are fully trying to say because you're typing it out rather than saying it and people can take your opinion in 100 different ways and it can hurt how people perceive you, especially if your job relies on your personality. 

I believe that social media is a great platform and so is video to express yourself and what you believe in, but, I also believe that it is a dangerous place and one post or something you say can be taken the wrong way and people can get you in trouble, or just take your audience away so your opinion has no validation anymore. People are cruel, so be wise. 


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