
Showing posts from July, 2020

Final My Online Presence

     My online presence is honestly pretty normal on Instagram, and Facebook. I  usually do the normal "hey I did this today", the "I accomplished this today!", and the pictures of my friends and I just too keep memories.  Now for Twitter, that is an entirely different story.  I have done research and the best way to get known is actually through Twitter because it is the most news story driven social media app between what I call the "big three", Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.  I am a Sports Media major, and my goal is to be an NFL reporter that sends out news for a certain team or just for the league itself such as Ian Rappaport.  So for my Twitter I always provide content, stats, and just some interesting things mainly about the Baltimore Ravens as I do have connections with people in house. I like to also just tweet my opinions of certain things such as who are the best quarterbacks in the league? That usually gets interaction and more exposure for

Cutting The Cord

I  love sports, especially watching them. For you sports fanatics and ones that love watching sports the times are changing, we are becoming cordless and cheaper programing to watch your sports. With cable becoming less demanding for sports fans to watch their games, sports leagues are now turning to streaming to support games without having to pay for the high cost of cable just to have other programs you aren't even interested in.  For example, the NFL has an option to get NFL game-pass which live streams every game from any device for $200 for the entire season. That is about 5 months of football for $200 any game and anywhere. With cable, you don't even get every game. You get games that are local, unless you pay for both cable and NFL game-pass, who would pay for both if you barley even use your cable provider? This is very smart for the NFL as they can get money for their steaming services and have people use theirs and go totally away from cable. The bad news is they can

Value Of Technology In Free Expression

Technology has given us the freedom to express our opinions like never before. You now have social media, which has taken over free expression.  Before, not a lot of people could get out their opinions to the world unless they were famous, or had some kind of platform whether it be the press or conferences.  But not with technology you can give your opinion to everyone to see in the world. It also can help spread it, when people see something they agree with all they have to do is share or "retweet" the post and more and more people can see it.  Also, if you were to give your opinion somewhere with video, you can post those on social media and gives your opinion with expression so you can see how they really feel.  This helps strengthen the Freedom of Expression because now you can have your voice heard like never before and you can hear other peoples opinions too right from your home.  You can also see other peoples opinions on situations and see the other side of things ins

From Twttr To Twitter

  In 2006 Jack Dorsey, and Noah Glass founded Twttr.  Yes, you saw that correctly for people who didn't use Twitter until 2009 or after. Twitter was first named Twttr because in that time a lot of social media sites that took off used an abbreviation such as Flickr, Tumblr, and Scribd.   Twttr was created to send messages of only 140 characters or less to their followers as a post that was called a tweet, kind of like facebook but in a shortened way.  In 2009 everything changed, Twttr changed its name to what it is now Twitter, they added hashtags which took off into the social media world so people could click on it and see the trends going on in the world.  They also created retweeting, so any post could be shared on another account so it was another way for trends to start getting shared to the world. In 2010 Twitter had its biggest update to the interface that is not only smoother, but more like-able to look at for their audience to scroll through their timelines.  In 2012 Twit