Final My Online Presence

    My online presence is honestly pretty normal on Instagram, and Facebook. I  usually do the normal "hey I did this today", the "I accomplished this today!", and the pictures of my friends and I just too keep memories. 

Now for Twitter, that is an entirely different story. 

I have done research and the best way to get known is actually through Twitter because it is the most news story driven social media app between what I call the "big three", Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 

I am a Sports Media major, and my goal is to be an NFL reporter that sends out news for a certain team or just for the league itself such as Ian Rappaport.

 So for my Twitter I always provide content, stats, and just some interesting things mainly about the Baltimore Ravens as I do have connections with people in house. I like to also just tweet my opinions of certain things such as who are the best quarterbacks in the league? That usually gets interaction and more exposure for myself to the media world

. The information a person can really find about me is my name, birthday, and my occupation or school, I try to keep it as little as possible with the information so it stays pretty private and I also have some security to follow my account. 

I have given my phone number, email, but no home address or anything of that sort for any of the big three, I don't give out information can that can be linked to me personally other than what can be seen on my phone.

I have two emails set, one for business and for serious inquires, another is for personal such as shopping, gaming etc. I like to keep two just so I can separate them and make it much easier to find what I want or what I am looking for.

If a job were to look at my online profile, they would find I am a hard worker honestly, and just some regular posts nothing out of the ordinary. The reason they would see I am a hard worker because they would see all of my sports knowledge that I put in, my podcasts, or my video editing to get more exposure and get more ahead of the sports world.

I haven't ever cursed, posted pictures of my smoking anything, (gross and unprofessional), but I here and there have a picture of me with a beer in my hand which I believe is socially appropriate when you are of age, which I am. 

I also make sure that I post nothing that can be offensive or be on the line, I always keep my profile clean because that is the type of person I try to be every single day. Nobody is perfect, but keeping your profile clean shows a representation to you as a person because you care about others and how people see you. Especially in the work world.

There is absolutely nothing I would edit or delete, I have been careful and never been called out for everything and I could care less who sees it, I am content with my social media presence and proud. 


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